Inauguration and a new camera

On August 17, Sir Baig called my father and told him about the exhibition invite. I knew about the exhibition launch but there was a big surprise that had been planned with keen accuracy.
My father told me just after the call that we had to visit the Exhibition tomorrow at exactly 11 am. He was posing as if it was of immense urgency and importance. I thought it was okay to visit in the evening but he disagreed.
Next day, we arrived at the spot with my mother and my sister. I saw the spot of Exhibition, hello-ed the birders and chatted for a few minutes. When the time for inauguration came, they announced that I would be doing it. That second, I realised what had just happened! Mother's smile explained it all.

I then inaugurated the event, It was a blast, had a lot of fun, met many new people. They even asked me to ID all the birds which I did perfectly but I got stuck at the Grey headed Swamphen (formerly Purple)
But the joy did not end there. A week later they a package arrived at my residence. I had been alerted by Sir Baig hat the birding community wanted to do something for me.
When I arrived from school, even the size of the package gave me goosebumps. After lunch I opened it up and there it was! A new camera, Nikon P900, the Holy grail of Bridge cameras (Now replaced by the P1000) .
I could not contain my happiness! It turned out more than 20 birders had contributed for it. I love them!


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